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Round Belly Mug Tag

Continuing on the topic of 'mug collecting' is at the center story of today's blog... This one is a good one about the custom handmade mugs that we proudly create!

Did you say all 50 states?!? "Yes - A round belly mug from each of the 50 states."


As my family has been making mugs for customers for over 30 years from time to time we hear from folks like Vince Smith of Houston, Texas: Dear Niles: Approximately 12 years ago, my wife and I were in Ithaca, NY and had the pleasure of spending a night at the Rose Inn.  In a matter of days, the two mugs we purchased became my favorite [handmade coffee mugs] of all time.  Unfortunately, one of them was broken beyond recognition.  I know that’s hard to believe since they are so sturdy.