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When you blog about your custom pottery mugs

Updated:  June 20, 2012
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When you blog about your custom pottery mugs

Glaze: Industry: (We work with many different industries)
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Deneen Pottery

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

Most of the blogs that I write are about either the custom mugs that we make, custom mugs that we have made for others, or some topic that is related to stories that involve custom mugs. This is the first blog that will have a timeline, simply because of how quickly the events surrounding blogging about mugs, and sharing those blogs happened.

11:05 – Lori Worrell from the Dansereau House B&B sent me an email that included her newsletter, which had a teaser about her blog. She wrote, “I thought you might like this week’s newsletter from The Dansereau House!”

Two Dansereau House Mugs

12:11 – I wrote back,”Like it… I love it! It is fantastic and I am printing it off and am going to post it on our comments board on the production floor… After I read it to dad. Who would have thought that after that first meeting in Baton Rouge a blog like this would exist?”

12:52 – “Now, who’d have thought this: only a few minutes after the newsletter went out, I got an email from a lady saying that the mugs were beautiful, and how much. I replied, within 30 minutes the doorbell rang, and she purchased two! She’s never been inside the house!!!  Crazy!” 

“I think I need the next batch now…”

Lori and her husband Paul are delightful, sincere, and thoughtful – I first met them at the LA/MS/AL B&B conference in Baton Rouge two years ago. It has been an absolute pleasure working with them on their first order of custom pottery mugs, and being able to tell this story is icing on the cake!

In summing this up, when you blog about your custom pottery mugs, people just might want to buy them from you.


While on the subject of blogs, about our custom handmade mugs, here are 4 more excellent examples. Just click on each them to read the full story at each of their pages. If there are more blogs out there – I would love to add to this list, so please let me know!

Boreas Bed and Breakfast Inn Logo

Farmhouse Russian River Valley Logo

Magnolia Springs Bed and Breakfast Logo

Noble Pig Coffee Mugs

A special thank you to those that have blogged, and will blog about their mugs!
Niles Deneen – CEO, Marketing

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Deneen Pottery

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

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