Production Schedule


Military Mugs Tag

We've finally had a few consecutive days not in the 90s - Yep, September is coming and so is Autumn. A few blogs ago I was writing about the different orders that we have done for military units and I showcased a completed design for the 196th Infantry Brigade. The design incorporated both the units path and insignia along with their name and slogan. Shortly after that post the commander of the unit and I, while working within a budget, came up with an order that allowed us to produce both a small run of Nordic Tankards, and Rancher mug.

Only our best for our Nations best! We love working with military units - and given the chance we will create a the finest handmade mugs in this country. For some clients, like the Patriot Shop in Tennessee, we have produced designs for each branch of service so that they can retail individual mugs through their website.

We have more fun when we are given a challenge... For Camp Lejune we combined the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor along with the famous tree from the entrance of the base for a custom design that looks like this: