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Mug selling magic from Ephrata, PA

Updated:  November 10, 2011
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Mug selling magic from Ephrata, PA

Glaze: Industry: (We work with many different industries)
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Deneen Pottery

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

Listening, watching, or just paying attention are things that I’m doing much more of these days… Now with my baby daughter really pulling herself up, and itching to walk, I seem to always be paying attention to her. I also pay close attention to my emails, especially when the first line from a Rebecca Gallagher, the innkeeper and owner of the Historic Smith Inn, reads, “I just sent this email out to the members of Authentic Bed and Breakfasts of Lancaster County (40 B&Bs)… feel free to share with other prospective clients…” How could I not pay very close attention?

We have been making handmade stoneware mugs for Rebecca Gallagher since 2009, but The Historic Smithton Inn has been a customer since 1996. Rebecca has a background in marketing, and is as sharp as the come, always full of ideas, and whenever I see her I always grab my idea’s notebook!!!

“I just learned the secret to increasing sales of your Deneen coffee mugs… buy the BOXES!!!!!”

“It may seem like a little thing, but I’m telling you, it’s MAGIC.  Here’s how it’s worked for us:

I’ve gotten in the habit of having Deneen produce coffee mugs for us in batches of 100 that they put into storage [Pack & Hold] for us.  Any time I start running low, I have them ship me 50 [handmade mugs] out of inventory, and when inventory runs low I have them make up another batch.  On June 10th, Deneen shipped me 50 mugs… that order lasted until October 3rd when they shipped me another 50.  I made a  change with my October order though, I also purchased 50 boxes to go with the mugs.  And Voila, Magic!  TODAY, a mere 24 DAYS since my last order, I called Deneen to have them send me another 50 [handmade mugs]!!!  I’d expected to see a small increase in sales, but this went far beyond what I anticipated.  Luckily I already have another 100 mugs in production because at this rate I’m going to need them quick!”

“I’m not sure why, but [the single gift box] really seems to make a difference for guests… maybe it’s that little-bit more obvious that the mugs are for sale, and it’s clear that they’re not taking a mug that’s been used by someone else during breakfast…that it’s new and ready for them to take home safely or give as a gift?  Whatever the reason, I’m a believer! Give it a try… the boxes are reasonably priced and the results speak for themselves!!!”

Thanks Rebecca!!!

The gift boxes are 75¢ each, they ship flat are easily assembled and you can order as few as 5. We can ship them out with your order and from now until X-mas if you mention reading this blog we will give you 5 for free, just to test out! That about sums it up, if you want to sell more mugs, then dressing them up in our single mug gift boxes this holiday season is an easy idea to try. Attempting to slow Eloise down will not be nearly as easy!

Thank you for reading our blog!
Niles Deneen VP, Marketing
Deneen Pottery


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Deneen Pottery

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

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