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Innkeeper Q&A: Selena Einwechter of B&B on Tiffany Hill

Updated:  December 10, 2009
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Innkeeper Q&A: Selena Einwechter of B&B on Tiffany Hill

Glaze: Industry: (We work with many different industries)
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Deneen Pottery

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

It’s a snowy COLD day here in Minnesota – single digit highs and -30º below at night with the wind chill.

Sorting through the importance of Facebook, and finding relavent material and ideas to share on a blog can be TOUGH. A few weeks back when I figured that I’d like to use our Facebook page to showcase ‘Innkeepers Mug Displays’ I was given a tip by  Linda Hayes from the Inn at Riverbend in Pearlsburg, Virginia about her friend Selena. “You should get [a picture] from Selena at Bed and Breakfast on Tiffany Hill, her retail wall with your mugs is beautiful.”

Front of Tiffany Hill Bed and Breakfast

After thanking Linda I got a hold of Selena and we opened a dialog about her mugs, the display, and her Inn… Lucky timing, as a professional photographer was scheduled to come out to take pictures later that week! Amazing ‘professional’ images would soon be available, which got me to thinking that facebook might be, too, small of a stage.

Use what you Sell, and Sell what you Use

As we continued talking Selena and I thought that we could come up with a small ‘article’ that we could incorporate the images… The natural next step was to do a Q&A. As we are both busy we didn’t conduct the interview on the phone, instead we took advantage of emailing.

I’m hoping that the information, and images will be helpful for other innkeepers, fans of B&B’s, and those that love our handmade stoneware mugs! Without further ado:

Q. What is your favorite thing about your Handmade Mugs?       A. They are a great reflection of the Bed and Breakfast on Tiffany Hill! Our slogan is Casual Elegance filled with Southern Hospitality and the Deneen Mugs fit the slogan!

Q. Do you use the mugs to serve coffee and/or tea?      A. I have to tell you a little secret on how I sell the mugs so effectively… Upstairs on both sides of the B&B, I have Keurig coffee makers. Guests love making their own coffee, hot chocolate and tea without having to come downstairs.

Keurig Beverage, Deneen Pottery, B&B on TIffany Hill - What a combo!

Q. Can you think of a story or comment to share about your mugs?     A. One of my guests is collecting 12… 2 at a time! Another guest posted a review on and included a comment about purchasing a mug: …Ms. Einwechter was delightful, knowledgeable, and making guests’ stays a great experience is her priority. Don’t leave without a mug!”

Q. Where did you first hear about Deneen Pottery?     A. Over the years, I have visited B&B’s myself and [had] seen [Deneen Pottery mugs]. Then when I started going to the PAII conferences, I received one as an attendee. I use that collection for myself in the kitchen and guests comment on the different ones. Then, my mentor Linda Hayes of the Inn at RIverbend stsrongly recommended that I order the mugs at last year’s [Innkeeper] conference. As a newly constructed B&B with many things on my purchase list, I am glad that I made the decision to order them! Guests love them! And it brands my property!

Summing up, Deneen Pottery mugs, Casual Elegance, Southern Hospitality, Keurig, and Guests are turning out to be a very successful thing for both Selena and Deneen Pottery! We love making mugs for Innkeepers, and are just tickled when we get to hear that guests love them too.

Thanks for reading our blog!

Niles Deneen, VP, Marketing

* On a side Linda and Selena reconnected at the PAII conference in Myrtle Beach after 30+ years from when they graduated from high school together… And today they are both happily running successful Bed and Breakfasts!

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Deneen Pottery

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

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