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Durable Handmade Mugs…

Updated:  March 14, 2011
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Durable Handmade Mugs…

Glaze: Industry: (We work with many different industries)
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Deneen Pottery

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

With Annie and Eloise up in Baudette with her parents for the next 2 weeks I’m feeling a bit down… Strike that, I’m feeling good. I just got off the phone with LaDonna from the Chestnut Street Inn, located in Asheville, North Carolina!

“My guests and staff just love our mugs, they are so wonderful and durable! In the 3 years that we’ve been serving in them we’ve only broken 1. They sell so well, and now with only 3 mugs in stock, I need to get another order! I remember one of our staff saying she was afraid of chipping our mugs, but we are still waiting for that to happen – They are just so durable!”

Photo of Chestnut Street Inn Website

That is just such a nice thing to hear on a Monday morning… And knowing that the mugs that we make can handle abuse without chipping or breaking means that we’re doing a good job.

This is just a short blog – Once Annie and Eloise get back I’ll add the ‘Sweet’ part again.

Thanks for reading our blog!
Niles Deneen – CEO
Deneen Pottery

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Deneen Pottery

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

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