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Coffee Memes: 12 Gut-Busting Memes That Every Coffee Lover Will Enjoy

Updated:  November 24, 2019
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Coffee Memes: 12 Gut-Busting Memes That Every Coffee Lover Will Enjoy

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Niles Deneen

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

Where would we be without coffee?

I shudder at the thought of a world sans coffee, and I imagine that you do too.

Think of where you would even be without coffee today? You probably wouldn’t have gotten as much done today, or perhaps you would’ve never even gotten out of bed. You’d simply still be laying there, wishing there was some type of magical bean that could be ground up and made into a delicious hot (or cold) beverage that gave you the power to take on whatever challenges you were facing that day.

Thankfully, that is not the case.

Coffee remains one of the most popular drinks in terms of consumption across the country — and even the world.

So, here is an ode to coffee — the magical drink — in perhaps the best form possible: memes!

Enjoy these 12 hilarious coffee memes that every coffee lover can relate to!

First Time Drinking Coffee…

coffee meme


Versus How You Drink Coffee Now

coffee meme

Some people love coffee the instant they first try it — usually when they try a sip from a parents’ mug when they are younger, or when they get to college and need some fuel for studying. But for most of these folks, the first taste is followed by the thought, “how in the heck do people drink this?”

Yeah, it may be an acquired taste, but it doesn’t take too many more cups of coffee after the first to start loving it.

Sing it, Dolly!

dolly coffee meme

Courtesy of our good friends at Death Wish Coffee, this image perfectly encapsulates our feelings towards caffeine. We just can’t get enough of it and we don’t care who knows!

Say No More Mr. IT, I’m Coming Down

IT coffee meme

If the demonic clown IT appeared out of the sewers and told you he had coffee for you, would you hesitate to join him down there? Of course not!

Thanks for the coffee, scary clown!

Where’s the Coffee??

Coffee Meme

Courtesy of Coffee Meme on Facebook.

Monday morning meetings at 9 A.M. are tough — especially when no one has made any coffee yet. Pro tip: if you’re ever scheduled for a meeting early in the morning, make sure to give yourself ample time to grab some coffee at a local coffee shop before arriving.


Before and After Coffee

dog coffee meme

Courtesy of

Even just a single sip of coffee is enough to provide a little pep in your step, as illustrated by our furry friends above. No matter what your style is — whether it’s cold brew, with two creams and one sugar, pour-over, or just straight-up classic black coffee, once you have that first cup, it’s all uphill from there!

The Coffee Paradox

Coffee meme

Courtesy of Pinterest

When the chips are down and you just can’t seem to find the strength to do anything without coffee, you reach the coffee paradox.

The coffee paradox comes about when you need coffee to perform any sort of physical activity. Unfortunately, making coffee in and of itself is a physical activity, and therein lies the issue.

There are a few different ways you can get out of the coffee paradox. First, you can just wait until someone else in your house makes some coffee. If you live alone or are the only one who drinks coffee in your house, then move on to the second option: crawl or roll to the nearest coffee shop and get your coffee there (although this is admittedly more of a strenuous activity than just making coffee in your own home).

Is Coffee…a Soup?

Coffee sign meme

Courtesy of Pinterest

Setting this humorous restaurant sidewalk sign aside, we must ask a very important question: if you pour coffee in a soup bowl, does it make it a soup?

According to Google, soup is “a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables in stock or water.”

Is coffee a liquid? Yes.

Is it boiled in water? Kinda.

Does it typically use boiling meat, fish, or vegetables? The keyword is “typically” which means sometimes it doesn’t! So, sure, why not!

And there you have it. Coffee = soup.

To Get Through My Day, Coffee I Must Have

Yoda coffee meme

Courtesy of Muddy Water Coffee Bar on Facebook

That first sip of coffee in the morning is quite a euphoric experience. Sure, every sip after that is excellent in its own right, but nothing quite compares to the first taste of that delicious morning beverage.

Vader Needs His Coffee Just Like the Rest of Us

Star Wars coffee meme

Courtesy of Pinterest

Darth Vader is a simple guy. He just wants to drink his coffee and go about his day just like the rest of us. So, admiral, make sure next time you make Darth Vader’s coffee before he shows up to work on the Death Star.

Shia Labeouf is All of Us

Shia Labeouf coffee meme

Courtesy of the nerd dad.

Shia Labeouf, like all of us, has his good days and bad. Here he is being swarmed by paparazzi on one of those bad days. Which, as the meme notes, is analogous to how it feels when it’s early in the morning and your curious kids won’t stop asking questions before you’ve even sniffed your morning cup of joe. Hang in their Shia, and hang in there, parents. For all will be well once you have the first drink of your favorite caffeinated morning drink.

Coffee in the Morning, Coffee in the Mid-Morning, and Coffee in the Afternoon

coffee meme

Courtesy of

The best part about coffee is that you can drink it anytime you want. Morning, afternoon, night. Whenever you need it, coffee is always there for you.

Quitting Coffee is Hard

coffee meme

If you’ve ever tried to go on a coffee detox and get by without caffeine for a week, you know it can’t be done. It’s impossible. So stop trying and accept your fate as a forever coffee drinker!

Post Vacation Coffee is Key to Success

vacation coffee meme

Courtesy of Pinterest

Coming back from a vacation is tough. But luckily coffee will always be there to help you catch up on that work that you’ve fallen behind on!

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Niles Deneen

Favorite part of working at Deneen Pottery? Everything! Working alongside and inspiring our awesome staff and assisting our incredible customers. Getting to be around such a creative process and talented artists - the variety of 'opportunities' that fill my day keep me on my toes. Witnessing the transformation from proof to product.

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