In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this Fall, we will be selling pink mugs and donating all profits to the Minnesota Breast Cancer Coalition (MNBCC). We decided on the MNBCC because of their commitment to educational and legislative advocacy and because they are made up entirely of volunteers! The limited run of 70 Tall Belly mugs will be available for you to purchase on our website this September.
About the MNBCC
“The Minnesota Breast Cancer Coalition is a grassroots organization dedicated to our mission of ending breast cancer by advocating for increased research funding and access for all to evidence-based screening and treatment. The MNBCC formed in October 1991, a few months after the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) organized to focus the nation’s attention on the breast cancer epidemic. Working together with the NBCC, the Minnesota Coalition advocates for passage of national legislation related to breast cancer. The MNBCC is committed to educational and legislative advocacy in Minnesota. Our organization is made up entirely of volunteers who commit their time and energy to the fight to end breast cancer.”
Last week we had the pleasure of meeting the MNBCC’s president and co-founder, Christine K. Norton. Chris is a dog lover (she remembered to bring a treat for Olive!), grandmother and BIG advocate for increasing research funding and sharing information about this deadly disease.
About Chris
“Christine Norton was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1990 at age 44. Just nine months after her diagnosis, Chris’ advocacy began. She was the Minnesota State Captain for the “Do the Write Thing” letter-writing campaign that was spearheaded by the newly formed National Breast Cancer Coalition to urge Congress and President George H.W. Bush to increase breast cancer research funding.”
We feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to help the MNBCC and hope that you agree! If you would like to give more than a donation, the MNBCC needs volunteers and there are many ways for you to take action. For more information, follow this link to the MNBCC site.
Along with the 70 Deneen Pottery mugs that will be sold on our site, we are excited to create an additional 20 pink mugs for Chris to have on display at this years Breast Cancer Education Association conference on October 10th. Here’s a sneak peak at the conference mug:
The Breast Cancer Education Association is also connected to Deneen Pottery through our Lead Potter Wade Scheel and his wife Camille, who was one of 14 models in the fashion show at last year’s conference. Camille is a breast cancer survivor and is in the midst of publishing her first book entitled Camp Chemo. “This book is based on my blog chronicling 7 years of life with breast cancer. It includes my experience raising small children, working and mortality.”
Watch for the book this Fall and don’t forget to buy a pink mug this September to help support the Minnesota Breast Cancer Coalition!
Thanks for reading our blog.
Niles Deneen