Coffee is — and forever will be — popular.
Just to get an idea how universally loved coffee is, take a look at these stats:
Each year, more than 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed.
In the US alone, coffee drinkers average about 3 cups of coffee per day.
Without coffee, work productivity would go down 10,000%.
Okay, so that last one was made up — but you get the point. Coffee is in no danger of disappearing anytime soon.
That being said, coffee companies are always looking for ways to reach new markets and to stand out amongst their competitors. Just because you have a product that is cherished around the world doesn’t mean you can’t think of ways to improve it.
In fact, there are many great ideas that coffee companies are trying these days to try and get a leg up on the competition.
Here are 4 of those strategies.
Coffee Subscriptions
If there is one trend that is blossoming in every industry, it’s convenience.
Consumers want it now more than ever. We’ve seen that all the new types of delivery capabilities from restaurants (Grub Hub, Postmates, etc.) and Amazon’s Same Day Shipping, and in many, many other places too.
This includes the coffee industry, where many coffee companies are starting to incorporate coffee subscriptions into their products (for the record, we absolutely love this idea at Deneen).
Atlas Coffee Club, Driftaway Coffee, Blue Bottle Coffee, and Bean Box are some of the top coffee subscription providers today.
Many of these companies allow you to fill out a taste preference test prior to ordering so that they can finely tune your subscription to be in-line with the type of coffee you like best.
These days, consumers love getting packages in the mail and getting a fresh batch of coffee every month or week is basically the best way to start a day as far as we’re concerned.
Being More Transparent With Consumers
Another trend that extends far beyond the coffee industry, being transparent about where their coffee beans come from is a huge movement amongst coffee companies.
In an effort to prove that they are ethically sourcing their beans and are indeed sustainable in their business practices, coffee brands like Peace Coffee are being much more forthright in letting people know who they work with and how they are treated.
Peace Coffee works hard to make sure that the farmers they work with from South America are treated well and paid fairly for their work. They want to ensure they build strong relationships with these farms and they do a great job at being transparent with their consumers.
Today, it isn’t enough to simply say that your products are Fair Trade, you actually have to show how they are.
Super Caffeine
Apparently, there is a market out there for coffee consumers who simply don’t get that caffeine buzz anymore from regular coffee. Thus, super-caffeinated coffee companies have been popping up left and right over the past few years.
Popularized by Death Wish Coffee, super caffeine coffee companies are everywhere these days and can be usually identified by their dark and ominous branding. Take a look at this list of some of the most dangerous (strongest) coffee brands out there today.
I think I may be sticking to my regular coffee for now…
THC and CBD Coffee
Well, it was only a matter of time before coffee companies started to spring up based around cannabis.
According to a recent report, cannabis is the “fastest-growing industry in the US job market.” So, it’s not surprising that in states where it’s legalized, businesses are racing to be the first to market for both THC and CBD infused-coffee.
Whether this is a type of product that will last, or simply a trendy one that will soon fade, remains to be seen. But for now, these companies are cashing in on the economic boom of legalization.
So, as you continue to pour coffee into your favorite mug each and every morning, keep paying attention to how the coffee landscape is changing.
Thanks for reading this post!
Niles Deneen